Masjidil Tarbiyyah al-Alim

I designed this building when i was in en.azmi sahal's workbase (2nd year 2nd sem), one of d most memorable semester i ever had... medium: pencil and charcoal di atas beberapa A1 (pagi2 balik hostel, muke mesti hitam separuh akkibat dari penggunaan charcoal yg agak melampau)

the design of this mosque was done without concentrating on the potential site... no site visit at all, because he wanted us to explore and look into the soul of a mosque in terms of spiritual+community values to serve the users... my design concept was based on 'knowlegde' (ilmu) where the ideas come from the phrase 'iman, ilmu dan amal' where knowledge was the most important thing tht is stressed in Islamic values...

the first surah iaitu al-'alaq juga menyentuh tentang ilmu, di mana sebahagian kandungannya adalah seperti berikut...
[1]Bacalah (wahai Muhammad) dengan nama Tuhanmu yang menciptakan (sekalian makhluk),
[2]Ia menciptakan manusia dari sebuku darah beku;
[3]Bacalah, dan Tuhanmu Yang Maha Pemurah,
[4]Yang mengajar manusia melalui pena dan tulisan,
[5]Ia mengajarkan manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya.

the name of 'Masjidil Tarbiyyah al-Alim' derived from the word 'tarbiyyah', which means the process of learning, education in terms of the soul, mind and one' physical body, while the word 'al-alim' represent one's knowlegde... overall design of this mosque was derived from several Surahs in al-Quran which represents knowlegde in Islam, in terms of its facade development, space arrangement and also landscape design surround it...

Overall... kalaupun design ini tidak seberapa (yg buruk itu dtg daripada ak sendiri)... hati jadi tenang bile mendalami ilmu berkaitanNya...


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