
Today is going to be the last day I’m in AMG (an architect firm in Desa Pandan,KL) – finish up my two-months practical training...yey! Btw, frankly speaking, I do think dat for this second stage of practical training, I didn’t learn a lot of thing, I mean, not as much as whut I’ve learned in my first stage of practical training... I dunno why...mybe because of there’s no any urgent assignment or submission was given to me during the day...(or it was me who had been so shy + passive, I knew that actually -_-“)

I was mainly involving myself in a lot OF presentation works – doing brochure, posters, 3D detail drawing + powerpoint presentation (which I love the most, if compared to the black-white autoCad thingy ~.~) . well...I shud be thankful for dat...huhehe...in addition, I oso did sume designs on plan + elevation drawing for housing + campus blocks for a university... which the submission date is goin to be after three months (still got plenty of tyme, so I acted so-so-so lazy in doin this).

But although my mind thought that it was kinda boring to do the practical training, still I do feel that life is so busy throughout the day. Life is so hectic, maybe becoz of a lot of things to be done in limited tyme. Furthermore...it seems like I dun belongs to an architect’s life…to be truth, working in an architect firm wasn’t an exact choice for me...well...me myself hv a plan for my future life...people who knows me really well may knoe whuts im going to say + do after finishing my 5-years-architecture course...

WELL, I do have an aim… an aim to absorb + turn + transform my architectural knowledge into the educational purposes. It all started from my mum + my dad who have been involving themselves in educational stream since they were young. They do motivate + encourage us to follow their footsteps (although nobody in our family ended up their study in educational course) and I respect them for being such amazing teachers for me...bla bla bla...

Tetibe malas nk sambung entry ni panjang2...haha...

Cakap banyak tak gune...belaja betol2 ahhh Fadhlina...jgn malas2...

Result yang last sem pon ayah da tegur...dapat sikit...xbesh...~

Tu je... Sekian...

Semoga segala impian + harapan-ku tercapai dan dimakbul-kan olehNya. Semoga segala urusan kita dipermudahkan-Nya. InsyaAllah.


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